Tuesday, January 18, 2011

First Post - Welcome!

I want to use this first post to tell you about myself. So let's start off with basics. My name is Heather , and I live in a very..very small town with my boyfriend and our 3 cats. I work as an assistant teacher at a daycare. In my free time I enjoy spending time with my boyfriend and family. I love being out doors when the weather is nice. Parks and lakes are a love of mine! I have a passion for photography that has sort of been lacking lately. I need to work on that, because I really do love it so much!

Now onto the makeup! I love it, use it every day. I'm not one of those girls who has to have makeup on in order to leave the house. I'm perfectly fine with running to the grocery store with little to no makeup on. I love drugstore makeup. In my opinion you don't need to spend a lot of money to get great products. I have, however, started getting more into the "higher end" makeup. I don't have much, but there are lots of products I would love to get someday soon. We will see though.

So what you can you expect from this blog? Basically I wanted to make this blog to give you my opinion on products. Opinions from a normal girl. I want to let you know what I think is a good buy and what I think you should stay far away from. I am looking forward to see what (if any) reaction I get from this blog. So I hope whoever finds this blog will enjoy it and follow me!


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